Stop the massacres in the Gaza Strip! Stop the genocide!

Stop the massacres in the Gaza Strip! Stop the genocide!

The bombings and blockades are a crime against the civilian population!

By committing genocide, Israel is endangering its own existence.

If Iran were dragged into this conflict, there would be a risk not only of a regional conflagration, but even of a world war.

Only a two-state solution or a one-state solution with equal civil rights for the Palestinians can permanently break the spiral of violence, otherwise Israel will not be able to survive in the long term.

Marlene Hilsenrath

A Palestinian girl lost her mother due to the Israeli bombing of Gaza

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I am Marlene Hilsenrath, widow of the Jewish German-language writer Edgar Hilsenrath (known for The Nazi and The Barber, but also for Night and The Story of the Last Thought).

Ich bin Marlene Hilsenrath, die Witwe des deutsch-jüdischen Schriftstellers Edgar Hilsenrath (bekannt für Der Nazi & der Friseur, außerdem für Nacht und Das Märchen vom letzten Gedanken).
